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Metal-free leather tanned with oxazolidine

Metal-free leather tanned with oxazolidine

The present invention relates to those cases where leather tanneries or leather processing industries need to meet the market demand for the production of metal-free leathers, thus avoiding the use of traditional mineral tanning agents (trivalent chromium basic salts).

This patent describes a tanning process for obtaining metal-free leathers that maintain their appearance, qualities and physical-chemical properties, which make them suitable for use in manufacture and commercialisation of different leather products: footwear, leather goods, clothing, upholstery, etc. 


This technology is patent protected.
 Title: "Procedure for tanning, retanning and final conditioning of leathers with oxazolidine E"
 Application Number: 201101051.
 Date of application: 27/09/2011.
 Date of grant: 12/02/2014.
 Date of publication of grant of the patent: 19/02/2014.
 Publication Number: ES 2 400 883 A1.

Innovative product: Custom Consumer Goods


Miguel Ángel Martínez
INESCOP (Instituto Tecnológico del Calzado y Conexas)
Polígono Industrial "Campo Alto". Apartado de correos 253
03600 Elda (Alicante)
T. +34 96 539 52 13
F. +34 96 538 10 45
Email: inescop@inescop.es
Web: http://www.inescop.es